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Black Employment Resource Center (BERC)

An African, Black or Caribbean woman writing. She is smilling and wearing a white blouse, light grey jacket, a silver neclace and black framed reading glasses

Why BERC Exists

Black Employment Resource Center (BERC) was created to address the need for a safe and brave space for African, Black and Caribbean (ABC) people


By acknowledging, appreciating, celebrating and defending the significance of African, Black and Caribbean (ABC) peoples' culture in Canada, we provide a culturally safe and supportive environment for our members to learn, grow, collaborate, develop their skills as well as share their stories and experiences. 


As a systems change approach to addressing socio-economic challenges of the ABC people in Canada, we use a culturally-centred approach to service delivery. We are committed to improving the economic, educational, and social well-being of African, Black and Caribbean (ABC) peoples in Canada



"As descendants of a communal society, we thrive in numbers more than we could ever do as individuals! I believe that, with culturally-centred support, similar to what we have in our ancestral homes, all African, Black and Caribbean people can build thriving futures, and contribute immensely to Canadian society "- Eve Aboka - Founder ICC

Our Mission


Our mission is to inform, empower, mentor, sponsor, support and facilitate the successful integration of the African, Black, and Caribbean (ABC) people into Canadian society.

Twomen of African, Black or Caribbean descent having a conversation
Two African, Black or Caribbean of medical profession smilling


Our vision is to create a better future for the African, Black, and Caribbean (ABC) people in Canada, by promoting justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, through advocacy for the advancement of ABC people in all aspects of life.


At BERC we prioritize your safety.


Our goal is to connect African, Black, and Caribbean (ABC) people with thriving lives in Canada

Adult Graduation

African, Black and Caribbean (ABC) people's success is Canadian society's success!"

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