About ICC
Founded in 2017 and registered in 2021, Immigrant Champions of Canada (ICC) is a Calgary-based non-profit organization dedicated to connecting immigrants to thriving lives. We believe in the Canadian multiculturalism and we strive to create a society that values and embraces the contributions of immigrants in Canada.
To Connect Immigrants to Thriving Lives, through socio-economic advancement.
We believe that immigrants contribute immensely to Canadian society, this level of contribution should also reflect their ability to build thriving lives for themselves and their families
To inform, empower, mentor, sponsor, support and facilitate the successful integration of immigrants into Canadian society through Career and Settlement Services
How We Work
With a focus on equal opportunities for all, ICC prepares the unemployed and the underemployed for the workplace while connecting the employer with the talent needed to fill vacant positions

Collaboration Platform
ICC is a platform for collaboration, learning, and support for immigrants, immigrant-serving agencies, grassroot organizations, and employers.

Intentional Service
ICC works diligently organization works diligently to address education, unemployment, settlement and integration challenges through career & settlement programs

ICC promotes multiculturalism by raising awareness on Immigrants' contributions to the Canadian society and engaging a network of individuals, organizations and stakeholders committed to championing immigrant success